provides complete information on Jeil Tourist hotel and also on Korea hotels, ranging from comfortable cheap hotels in Korea to luxurious five star hotels in Korea. Here you can get complete information on services and facilities offered by the Jeil tourist hotel onyang, the best deal on discount Korea hotels, online hotel reservations service, and an easy to use hotel booking facility. Please check online availability and special discount on Jeil tourist hotel Korea.
Jeil tourist hotel onyang provides with a traditional yet comfortable atmosphere with the Korean traditional designs mixed with the modern facilities. The hotel is located ideally from all the major attractions in the city such as Hyunchoogsa, Forklordmuseum, Asan Lake, Sapkyochun, Sanjung Lake, Sooduk temple and others. All the rooms in the hotel provide the guests with comfort amidst all the modern facilities. During the stay at the hotel tourists can enjoy sun tanning while swimming in the spring water. The hotel restaurant also is famous for the traditional Korean and American food. |