Korea is a shopper's paradise ! You will have enough of South Korea shopping center.
Great prices can be found for shoes, clothes, handbags, suitcases, leather goods, silk, antiques, reproductions, and all kinds of souvenirs. You can easily find makers of custom-made clothes and shoes of varying quality. Although department stores and most shops have fixed prices for items, bargaining can usually get a lower price with street vendors and in the major open air markets such as Namdaemun and Dongdaemun. Also, do not forget about Korea's duty-free stores and Life in Korea's own Online South Korea Shopping centers for Products and Services and Online Reservations.
Retailers speak limited English, except in areas frequented byforeigners, such as Itaewon. Although some retailers may be willing to take U.S. dollars or other foreign currency for purchases, expect a worse exchange rate than you would find at a bank. Genuine antique items cannot be exported without permission. Contact the Art & Antique Office (Tel: 662-0106) for information on procedures, or ask the shop owner. People are crazy about South Korea shopping. |